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拥抱母乳喂养 - 一场关于平衡工作与母亲身份的讲座

拥抱母乳喂养 - 一场关于平衡工作与母亲身份的讲座


你准备好迎接你的宝宝了吗? 还是说你正在努力应对母乳喂养的旅程,同时平衡重返工作的过渡?  请加入我们,参加一个信息丰富的晚间讲座,我们将分享关于如何正确开始母乳喂养以及如何应对常见母乳喂养挑战的实用技巧。

* 价格需按现行的商品及服务税(GST)计算。

The talk will be delivered by Ms Kang Phiak Giak, President of the International of Infant Massage (IAIM) Singapore. Since 1997, Ms Kang has been an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and has been International Certified Infant Massage Instructor since 2007. Additionally, she conducts training for nurses and medical professionals affiliated with the Association for Breastfeeding Advocacy (Singapore) (ABAS). She will be sharing useful tips for successful breastfeeding as well as addressing common concers to help mothers embrace a rewarding breastfeeding journey.  
